Kamis, 22 Juli 2010


Glitter Words
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Tugas Komputer
Anggota : Ene Ardila
Erlina P. Situmeanng
Yona Saputri

1. Translate ke bahasa inggris

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb

Designation. Mother-class guardian
And all the friends that I love

Let us together praise and our gratitude to Allah SWT for the blessings and gifts we can all get together in a healthy condition wal'afiat on this fine day

My friends are proud of,

First of all you have to realize that the environment is a place to live for all of us hanging, humanity. So we should keep our environment well in order to generate profits for our earth, not even a disaster for our losses. One way that the environment does not provide disaster for us is to maintain a clean environment

In maintaining the cleanliness of the environment then we must know beforehand what is the meaning of environmental cleanliness. The real meaning of environmental cleanliness is a situation where the environment is worth to live human beings, in which the physical state of human health can be maintained .. So we must keep the environment clean in order to create a decent and prosperous life.

Happy friends,

Maintaining Environmental Cleanliness is the best way of preventing various diseases that lurk in the rainy season like now. Maintain cleanliness of the environment can be started from clean our beloved school, SMP 49 Jakarta. When we clean the school lainpun people do not hesitate to imitate our good habits in our school clean. And we as residents of this school are also affected by the positive impact of teaching and learning activities to be comfortable because our school environment clean.

Maintain cleanliness of school environment can be done by taking out the trash in our school environment to the trash, carry out activities of daily picket class regularly and PSN 30 minutes each day Friday in order to clean the school environment from the Nest Ades aegypti mosquitoes that cause diseases dengue fever.

These all friends,

In closing I quote the proverb which says that cleanliness is part of the faith that if someone does not care about cleanliness so he is not really a full believers. Going forward I also hope that we as human beings can be even harder to maintain environmental hygiene.

So many of my speeches, I apologize for more or less
Wassalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb.

2. Featur Lingkungan

Environmental Health
To assess the environmental situation and the measures taken to create a healthy environment has been selected four indicators, namely the percentage of families who have access to clean water, a healthy percentage of home, family ownership to basic sanitation, Public Places and Food Processing (TUPM).

Several attempts to minimize the risk of decline in environmental quality have been implemented by various agencies such as the construction of basic sanitation, monitoring and environment management, measurement and control of environmental quality.

Construction of basic sanitation for communities that are directly related to health problems including the provision of clean water, latrines healthy, healthy housing is usually handled across sectors. Meanwhile, the Tangerang District Health Office Supervisory activities undertaken include drinking water quality monitoring, monitoring of hospital sanitation, supervision and monitoring of sanitation in public places (hotels, Terminal), where food processing, where processing of pesticides and so forth.

In monitoring the implementation of environmental health programs can be seen some indicators of environmental health as follows:
1. Net Water Use
For the year 2007 the number of families who checked who have access to clean water 72.35%. From the results of sanitary inspection officer at the health center use of clean water every family the most highest is +34.99% dug wells, hand pump wells tap +18.59 +31.86%.
2. Healthy home
For most people, home is a gathering place for all members of the family and spent most of his time, so that the health condition of the housing may act as a medium of disease transmission among family members or neighbors.

In the year 2007 has been conducted in 40 healthy home inspection center in kab.Tangerang region, from the houses, the sanitary inspection 560 426 68.34% otherwise healthy.

From the existing data then disseminate the program to build healthy communities need to continue to do so to prevent the development of disease vectors can be reduced, thus also cause other diseases around the house.
3. Families With Basic Sanitation Facilities Ownership.
Families with ownership of basic sanitation facilities including water supply, latrine ownership of the family, trash and waste water management, this whole family is very important in improving environmental health.

From the results of data conducted by the Health Center illustrates sanitation until 2007 can be described in the following chart.
Percentage of Families With Ownership of Basic Sanitation Facilities Year in 2005 and 2007

From the above data show that in 2007 the ownership of basic sanitation in Kab.Tangerang slightly increased compared to the year 2006, it can be assumed that this condition showed an increase in public awareness of the importance of basic sanitation.
4. Public Places and Food Processing (TUPM)
Foods including drinks, is a basic requirement, and the main source for human life, but the food is not properly managed it would be a very effective medium of disease transmission in the digestive tract (Food Borne Deseases). The occurrence of acute poisoning and the spread of disease which often leads to death many sourced from food derived from food processing (TPM) especially catering service, restaurant and snack foods that their management does not meet health requirements or environmental sanitation.

So that efforts supervision of food sanitation is very important to maintain the health of consumers or the public. Results of monitoring of the quality of health in public places and food processing in 2007 showed the following results.

3. Deskripsikan dalam kehidupan sehari hari
Tema : Lingkungan
Environmental influence on patterns of everyday life. Ecological concepts can be understood in the relationship or interaction of living creatures in the surrounding environment, including humans. The pattern of human life will be influenced by the environment surrounding both the physical environment (abiotic: soil, water, air, rocks, land, etc.), environmental biotic (living creatures, flora and fauna) and socio-cultural environment (behaviors, institutions, attitudes, knowledge , local culture etc). This interaction patterns that cause there is an adjustment mechanism (copying mechanism) to the surrounding environment, the adjustment process, this man would make a natural adaptation to adjust to its surroundings. This adaptation patterns depending on the action and reaction. Adaptation can be positive and a negative value which will affect the environment.

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